For those in Perth always looking for a better, faster, cheaper way

Friday, June 25, 2010

Medibank offering 10% off for a year

If you are like the average Australian earning over $50,000 (correct me if I'm wrong), private health insurance is a necessity (mainly for tax reasons) and we don't enjoy looking for which one we would prefer. However, in the lead up to 30 June tax time, all I saw on Channel 10 were MBF advertisements and wondered what happened to the usually media saavy Medibank.. then I saw the ad. They are offering 10% off premiums for new customers (where's the loyalty???) and to help you make the decision for you, they've included a comparison widget on their website that helps you see how much you would be paying with their main rivals (HBF and MBF in Perth). Check it out and if you can find a way an existing customer can get 10% off as well, let me know.

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